


Focus on high quality tubes & cans,with quality first and service foremost.

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关于我们 About US
上海怪兽ddos平台-怪兽ddos平台创建于1990年5月,是国内专业生产药用铝质软管,铝质染发膏管的公司。公司2000年开始生产铝质气雾罐,是国内较早生产铝气雾罐企业之一。公司位于上海市金山区朱泾镇亭枫公路3058号,公司厂区占地面积60.5亩,职工人数为200多人,总资产25000万元人民币,公司年生产总值30000万元。总共有8条生产流水线,其中5条生产线生产铝质软管,年产25000万铝软管,是中国规模较大的铝管生产企业。其中3条生产铝气雾罐,年产16000万铝气雾罐。 了解更多 >>
Shanghai Jia Tian Pharmaceutical Packaging Co., Ltd (Shanghai New Asia Pharmaceutical Jinshan Co. Ltd.) was founded in May 1990. We are the lproducer of aluminum collapsible tubes in China for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical and food industries.With a total investment of RMB 250 million. There areEight product lines from Hinterkopf, German and WESCO, PSG group, German in our factory. Five tube lines can manufacture 250 million tubes per year. Three lines for Aerosol Can manufacture 16000 million Aerosol Can. We can manuf acture 410 million Aluminum tubes and cans per year and we are the biggest manufacturer for aluminum tube in China.Jia.Tian Tube catch more than 60% Chinese high quality tube Market.
适用行业 Industries
Jiatian offers a diverse range of products tailored for various industries. Years of experience ensure cost-saving packaging solutions for every need.
  • 药用 Pharmaceutical
  • 药用&日化 Pharmaceutical & daily chemical
  • 药用&日化 Pharmaceutical & daily chemical
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